3-D Art Pieces

A variety of pieces produced by Tom Brudzinski and LobstArt Studios


DOnated for Yarmouth Publc Library fundraiser - 2011 Architect-designed Multi-Family Birdhouse
Designed/constructed for local fire dpeartment fundraiser - 2014 Lobster-Art Buoy
Donated for fire dpeartment fundraised - 2013 Lobster-base Art-Lunchbox

Tom "Doc" Brudzinski


Lead Visual Storyteller

Just what the heck *IS*  LobstArt Studios?

This website contains graphical musings of all kinds, as documented by Tom "Doc" Brudzinski., He's a lad with polymathic interests and a wide variety of  capabilitites who employs ART to tell "the right story" for the situation..Some of the art was employed to help clients, but many other examples weredone for the

simple joy of creation!


LobstArt Studios Positioning Story

Graphically examine problems;

Develop/illustrate "solution stories";

Have fun!

I hope that you were among those who were able to attend the presentation of the turns and twists in my journey to becomeing a Visual Storyteller.


Tom Brudzinski, Orr's Island Visual Storyteller,

shared the story of his journey and the unpredicted changes in his life and work as veils were lifted and new opportunites pesented themselves. The location was the Pinecone Studio in Brunswick Maine.


This talk is part of Pinecone Studio's C.H.A.T.>S. series.


Greatest News Story of the Decade? Probably!

(click on the image of the article to see it at a larger size)

There is a LOT of information on this website. However, if you would like to know more about my work?

Please give me a call at +1 410 3361609.


Tom "Doc" Brudzinski

LobstArt Studios

1 Grassy Rd.
Orrs Island, ME 04066



Doc's OTHER business

If you were looking for

TOMe LLC, the Tom "Doc" Brudzinski's design/planning consultancy, click here or on the logo below.


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What's Going On Inside the Head fo the LobstArtist?